How to decide if a job is right for you

job searching

Is this job a good match for me? A question I’m sure we’ve all asked ourselves at one point or another.

When searching for a new job or career change, it’s important to consider more than just the role itself. The salary and job responsibilities are usually at the forefront of our minds. No matter how great these may seem, it is not worth it if you may not be happy.

Your aim should be to find a position that best suits your values, interests, goals and lifestyle.

So… how can you tell whether a job is a good match for you? Although, there is no guaranteed way to know for sure, following a thoughtful process can increase your chances of making the best decision for you.

Factors to consider

The first step is to outline what you are looking for in a job. Everyone’s priorities will differ, but below are some things you may wish to think about:

Job Content

Your satisfaction within a job will be determined by how stimulating the day-to-day tasks are for you. Even a job with the highest paying salary can get old easily if you don’t enjoy what you are doing daily. You need to ask yourself if the role will incorporate the skills you enjoy utilising so you will enjoy doing the work.


Although money isn’t everything, it’s important to be aware of the level of financial compensation and benefits you need, want and deserve.

A way to determine the level of income you believe you should receive for your potential new role is to research salary averages for your field and location. This will provide you with the going rate for that role and help you decide whether you are receiving a reasonable offer.


Is there opportunity for development within your new role?

You need to ask yourself if your new job role meets the requirements for your future aspirations and if there is room for professional development. If you are interested in progressing within your field, it is essential to ensure your new job offers promotion opportunities and what those positions can offer.


For many individuals, the location of a business can be a deciding factor as to whether they take a job or not. Proximity to family, friends and good schools can all be factors in terms of job location. The length and driving conditions of commuting can also influence how likely you are to take a job.

The Company’s Mission & Values

It’s important that you can get on board with a potential employers goals and objectives for the direction of the business. Do the company’s values align with your personal values and beliefs?

Company Culture

For many individuals, an important component of their job is company culture and their day-today working environment. This could involve dress code, the interaction between management and employee, work-life balance and flexible hours.

Feeling positive towards the company culture will make your working life more enjoyable, and it’s advisable that you are on the same page as your employer before taking the leap and accepting a job offer.

Job Security

You need to consider factors such as whether your employer is in a growing or declining industry and the longevity of the role you hope to fill. Acknowledge whether you are looking for a long-term or short-term position and how likely your new employer is able to meet this. Pay attention to the turnover off staff and if you would be likely to be let go in the near future.

Ask yourself the big questions

Are the tasks and responsibilities of the job something you want to do full time?

Does the team and environment you will be working in seem pleasant and safe?

What are the sacrifices you’re making by taking this job, and are any of those sacrifices things you don’t want to give up?

Don’t be afraid to politely decline

If you have any doubts about accepting a job offer, or the positives outweigh the negatives, think about if it is the best fit for you. It’s much easier to turn down a job than leave a job that isn’t right for you.

Please speak with your recruiter and explain the reasons why you don’t feel it’s right as they can work with you and may be able to alleviate any concerns you have or even renegotiate with the client; this is always better than just saying no as it could mean you miss out on a fantastic opportunity.  Also it can help your recruiter find a role that is right for you.

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